1.5lb minced beef (from local butchers - local supply too)
5 large carrots - sliced (allotment grown)
3 slices of a large swede - cut into small chunks (supermarket)
15 or so mushrooms (supermarket) - quartered
2 medium onions (allotment) - sliced and separated
1 sweetcorn (allotment) - sliced off corns after cooking.
1 medium head of calabrese (allotment) - cut into chunks
5 large potatoes (allotment and a farm shop) - cut into chunks then mashed with milk and margarine
1 small beetroot - diced (allotment)
mature cheddar cheese for topping (supermarket)
1 Knorr stock cube mixed with a bit of cornflower mixed with 3/4 pint boiling water from the veg.
Here are many of the ingredients - picked fresh this morning from the allotment.
And here is the result of a lot of peeling, washing and cooking!