Tuesday, 21 April 2020

Lockdown Day 29 - quick update and link to an online conference

Today has been yet another sunny day, we are so lucky at the moment with the weather. I must admit a lockdown with wall to wall rain would have been rather harder to bear!

Today was a trip to the allotment to build a bean frame out of hazel branches coppiced from the hazelnut tree at the back of the allotment, and general weeding and watering. The strawberries are now flowering, these are plants put in last year when we renewed the bed.

I have also been following the online content and speakers from the We Don't Have Time Earth Day Week conference taking place at the moment, today when I tuned it were speakers from various companies providing products and services in the so-called circular economy.

Link to the main website and the app here

I have also been writing a letter to the Cabinet Office in Whitehall in response to a series of questions put out on Twitter regarding the recovery from COVID-19 and I will be making a blog post about this sometime over the next week.

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