Monday 7 September 2020

Common Darter Dragonfly in the Allotment

 Sunday lunch was a little delayed yesterday! My wife came back from the allotment while I was making it to tell me about the dragonfly that was sunning itself on the back fence. So, I switched off the cooker and dashed up there with the camera! 

This is a Common Darter Dragonfly (Sympetrum striolatum) and whilst, as it name suggests, a very common dragonfly (!) it is the first one we have had in the allotment, in fact I am not sure when we last had a dragonfly in the allotment to be honest. 

My wife watched it having a bit of an altercation with a spider on the fence although by the time I got there it had taken up sunbathing and seemed quite content!

Here's another view from behind. I am always amazed at the intricacy of the wings of these creatures and love trying to get a close up photograph of them, easier said than done as usually they are quite skittish, however, this one was pretty chilled out about things! 

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