Saturday, 16 July 2011

John Seymour and self sufficiency

This is the updated version to an earlier book from a pioneer of the whole self-sufficiency movement. John Seymour practises what he preaches and also teaches these skills on week long courses.

Although for city-dwellers and indeed those of us who don't have a spare acre or two, some of the topics are perhaps beyond our reach , but the subtitle on the cover says it all!

However, allotments are covered and indeed on a smaller scale. Alternative power, tool care, building and mending skills, resources etc are all given very thorough treatment.

My favourite comment, and one which we could all aim for is "The dustman should never have to call".

The book is available in the UK (as well as in the US via the link above), see below

All in all it is a very good read and there are lots of practical tips and good practice for everyone wanting to reduce their consumerism, being more self-sufficient, and particularly for larger scale projects and acreage

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