The Falstaff apple tree is in full blossom, these apples are the first to be ready in September and keep well too. I have had over one hundred apples from this little tree in the past and this year, all being well, looks to be another good one.
Along the same side of the allotment as the Falstaff apple tree are the strawberries. We replaced the whole bed with fresh plants last year and this year they are obviously maturing and flowering.
We also have some strawberries in planters on the wall of our back yard.
Although this doesn't look like much, these are the final ones of last season's leeks. Our aim, though we don't always succeed with continuity of fresh veg, is to have something from the allotment every time we need it, and having had the first batch of asparagus the other day it looks like we may be in luck this time.
We can though have jam with allotment fruit every day of the year and there's pumpkin and courgette chutney too as and when we need it. This year I need to increase the number of Kilner jars with preserved fruit such as blackberries and blackcurrants in for use on porridge and with muesli. We do still have though some blackberries in brandy though it might not be a good idea to have these on porridge for breakfast!
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