Friday, 3 July 2020

Holly Blue Butterfly in the Allotment

Today started off very wet and has now got very windy. Quite unseasonal for the time of year to be honest, feels like late September with a gale like mid October! 

So, I popped up to the allotment this afternoon for an hour to pick more raspberries and the first of the blueberries, the latter of which have swollen up pretty well with all this rain, they love the damp conditions. 

Anyway, just before I came home I noticed a small blue butterfly flitting around the nasturtiums and with the new phone I have that has a much better camera on it, managed to get the following picture of it and have been able to identify it as a Holly Blue butterfly (Celatrina argiolus) 

Holly Blue butterflies are the type of blue butterfly most likely to be seen in urban gardens, although I have seen Small Blue butterflies at the allotment before now. 

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