Wednesday, 6 May 2020

Lockdown Day 44 - quick allotment update

There will be more from the allotment tomorrow, but there's plenty going on right now.

The strawberries are starting to produce fruit and so are the blackcurrants, damson, pears and blueberries. The pea patch has been extended with some in situ sown peas (as compared to plants started off at home) and a few borlotti beans are now in from plants started indoors. Plenty of spinach, spinach beet, beetroot and radishes have been sown and there's still more cabbages and broccoli to go in. I've made some rhubarb compote which is great in porridge and on crumpets!

There's a frost predicted from the weekend onwards despite it being May - this is not unknown in this part of the world at this time but it could be quite damaging - will need to earth up the potatoes, and protect various fruit bushes and young plants with plastic coverings, as well as making sure seedlings are in the greenhouse or house.

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