Monday, 25 May 2020

Lockdown Day 63 - cycle ride

Today, being a lovely sunny day and with lighter winds than the past few days, we decided to take a cycle ride out towards Cawood, Wistow and Bishopwood.

Out this way is very much a patchwork of flat agricultural fields with wheat, corn, barley and potatoes. Big skies too. (photo above taken on my old phone so not as good as usual!)

In the churchyard of All Saints Church at Cawood were these beautiful roses growing by the wall in the graveyard. The church of course was closed due to the coronavirus restrictions, I shall have to go back when all this is over and have a look inside. 

After the church, the lane wanders through fields around to Wistow, a former mining village in the Selby coalfield. Another All Saints church here too

After Wistow we cycled through Bishop Wood, a Forestry Commission woodland which we used to take the children to quite often for an explore and then back through Cawood to home. On the way back up to Cawood we had first a Cormorant and then an Oystercatcher fly over the road, which was quite unexpected although the Ouse at Cawood wasn't that far away. The Oystercatcher must have bred nearby though. So, a good long cycle ride this morning!

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