Friday, 29 May 2020

Lockdown Day 67 Quick Allotment update 2

Today was another very hot day, which I do struggle with, so my visit to the allotment was this morning before it got too hot for me to be comfortable with.

The main job this morning was putting in some more calabrese plants that my mum gave me (of her excess) which have been put into what now is a very successful brassica patch in the fifth section of the allotment.

(photos taken earlier in the season as this fifth bed was starting to be filled up)

 The allotment is divided into five sections, four rotational beds and one permanent bed, with other permanent beds at one side too. In the top section this year are onions, garlic, parsnips and carrots (in tyre stacks). The second section has peas, beans, pumpkins and courgettes. The third section is fruit trees. The fourth area is potatoes and the last one, as I said is brassicas and salad vegetables with some mini sweetcorn too.

So, having put in about ten more calabrese plants, I then swapped the netting around as many of the peas no longer need it. More complicated than it sounds as they are big pieces of mesh netting that have tendency to roll up as they are being put over the plants!

Finally I watered the blackcurrants and raspberries, and it looks like some of the blackcurrants are starting to ripen.

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