Sunday 22 November 2020

22nd November 2020 - Lockdown 2 - Day 18 - Cycle Ride and Jerusalem Artichokes

Today started off quite cloudy and cool but gradually brightened up during the morning. We went on what is one of our regular cycle routes through the countryside, which is usually quite quiet, but this morning lots of walkers, joggers and other cyclists seemed to have had the same idea! Still plenty of space for everyone though on country lanes. 

The big open fields where last week there were hundreds of gulls, starlings, crows and redwings picking over the ground were quiet this week, though further on there were black-headed, common and a few herring gulls. Sheep in the fields were doing what sheep generally do, eating grass although in one field they were just sitting around, obviously on a break from working! Whilst I think most of the lamb round here goes to more local customers, I feel very sorry for those farmers that have built up a successful export business and will see this in all likelihood ruined by Brexit. The lamb we had at lunchtime, bought at our local butchers and supplied from a farm three miles away, was delicious, slow cooked in the oven for four hours and served with our own parsnip chips, home grown carrots and potatoes, and some bought in swede, peas and a jerusalem artichoke. We've not eaten the latter before, but seeing them in a greengrocers in Garforth, Leeds (where I would normally be working in a charity shop if it wasn't for lockdown), I decided to try one, and for 23p it wasn't really a waste if we didn't like it! 

So, a quick look in our go-to book for grow your own - Your Kitchen Garden (George Seddon and Helena Radecka - written in an era when I think you can guess who did the cookery section!) for ideas on how to cook one, and found that slicing and parboiling it for a few minutes until slightly soft, then popping it in the chip pan with the parsnip slices was the best method for today. The jerusalem artichoke has a slightly sweet taste but would do well as crisps actually. Very nice anyway, and we are wondering about growing some next year, but are aware that they are difficult to get rid of if growing in the ground, so maybe a big plant pot might be best. 

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