Thursday, 4 June 2020

Lockdown Day 73 - Strawberries

Just a quick one this evening, to say that we are getting plenty of strawberries at the moment. Some of the plants we bought last year are quite early fruiting ones although I think that the recent sunny and hot weather has brought them on even further.

We've had four or five of these punnets so far off the plants with plenty more still to come, and some more in window boxes on the wall of our yard. We pot up a few runners in winter as well to keep fresh stock going.

The weather forecast doesn't look that great for the next few days, although we do need the rain. The night before last I spotted a hedgehog down our road so we have left some food and water under a plastic table in our yard just in case it comes back. There are fields off the end of our road so it will have plenty of space to roam around and with the rain, there will be plenty of food about for it.

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