Sunday, 14 June 2020

Lockdown Day 83 - Allotment update

We're getting to the time of year that produce from the allotment is plentiful. The first peas are ready, in fact we picked a few yesterday and the plants look like there's going to be a good harvest this year. They are supported by sticks of which we have an infinite number having trimmed two hawthorn trees, the hazelnut tree and the hedges earlier in the year!

Further down the allotment is the soft fruit permanent bed and with all the warm weather, followed by lots of rain and now back to sunny weather again the blackcurrants are just about ready to be picked. Although quite a tedious job they do provide us with plenty of fruit for jam and for potting up in Kilner jars in sugar solution for use on porridge and ice cream. They are delicious soaked in vodka for three months for a dessert with a bit of a kick!

This is spinach beet which can be used in salads or stir fried as you would pak choi. It is starting to go to seed a bit now but there's still plenty that can be used. 

Finally for today, this is the first of this season's calabrese is almost ready

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