Friday, 12 June 2020

Lockdown Day 81 - Quick flashback from 2007

I haven't been out today as it has been mostly raining for almost two days! Very soggy outside and the only time I ventured out yesterday was to get some broad beans and strawberries from the allotment!

So, today is a quick flashback to the Gothenburg Natural History Museum that we visited in 2007 while staying a lovely cottage in the forest on the outskirts. (Somewhere I have a short video of a Golden Eagle that we saw circling over the cottage too!)

In the museum is what is the only stuffed and mounted blue whale! It is huge! This whale wasn't hunted, it stranded on the coast 150 years ago.

There's some whale skeletons as well but even when we saw a live one in the sea when in Iceland in 2010 which you can read about here you didn't really get an overall impression of the sheer size of these creatures.

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