Saturday, 6 June 2020

Lockdown Day 75 - Allotment Update-Part 1

Today started off quite wet outside though the rain is much needed. The allotment is looking a lot, well, happier, now that the crops have had a good drink, especially the fruit bushes.
We seem to have dodged the showers today, but a look on the weather radar showed that they seemed to cruise past to the east and west of us, but not where we are! I am a bit of a wild weather enthusiast, though I must admit I feel the cold a lot more nowadays than I used to! It was very windy today though, unusually so for this time of year.

We were able to have some of these young broad beans for tea, with a salad that also had home grown cut-and-come-again salad leaves from a window box in the top bedroom, some spinach beet and radishes also from the allotment. The broad beans are in my opinion much nicer young than when they have grown large and grey coloured. Plus the plants will be encouraged to produce more beans. Still haven't had any need yet to nip the tips out though will be keeping an eye out for blackfly. We have some wild poppies in the same patch which the blackflies do appear to like going for when they are flowering, the principle of companion planting, diverting the attention of the pests away from your crops.

We have got peas forming now on the earliest plants to go in, not ready yet but in a week or two the first ones will be able to be picked. We've put in around thirty plants, though some that we sowed directly into the soil never came up and that space has now been weeded for putting more bean plants in, the latter are currently germinating in the house.

In the house as well are several pepper plants. I save the seeds from shop bought ones, so we have a mixture of long ones, jalapeno and bell peppers either in the house or in the lean-to greenhouse outside. They sometimes have a bit of an odd shape but it is a cheap way of getting plenty of seeds!

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